Self Care / Support

Self-Care during Exam Time

Feeling anxious during Exams?

With exam season looming, anxiety and stress can affect students' mental health during exams. A study conducted in 2010 revealed that exam anxiety affects a significant portion of the student population, ranging from 10% to 40%. While some stress can be beneficial, excessive stress and anxiety can hinder concentration and lower self-esteem. Incorporating self-care routines during this intense period is essential to alleviate stress and promote overall well-being. Let's explore strategies for self-care during exam season.

Get Adequate Sleep

Sleeping 7-9 hours is necessary for optimal mental health functioning. Poor sleep (in both quality and quantity) is associated with physical problems such as a weakened immune system and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. By improving your "sleep hygiene", not only will you see an improvement in mood, but you will also notice that you have higher levels of energy and motivation.

Keeping hydrated

Studies have indicated dehydration is linked to heightened anxiety, panic and other issues, such as forgetfulness.

Eat healthy meals regularly

Eating regular nutritious meals and avoiding stress: Most people binge on unhealthy foods during exam seasons. This could lead to sudden weight gain, exhaustion and lowered attention span. 

Limit intake of caffeine

It is essential to limit our caffeine intake: It may help to look into other means of staying awake such as drinking water and exercising.


Removing all unnecessary items from your study area may help make your environment more peaceful. This can help declutter your mind, allowing for greater concentration.

Take breaks

It is essential to take breaks every 1-1.5 hours. Studies indicate that it is easier to concentrate during breaks between these periods, even if the breaks are as short as 10-15 mins.

Talk to someone

If you find yourself getting stressed and anxious about your exams, you could talk to someone about it. Remember, you can always seek help from family, friends or a mental health professional. Your friends and classmates are in the same boat as you, and you could try to swap tips on dealing with exam stress.

Alongside practising self-care, there are specific mental health tips for exams that can significantly improve your exam performance and overall well-being. 

Practice, Practice, Practice

Regular practice is crucial in building confidence and reinforcing your knowledge. Engage in practice exams, solve sample questions, and review past papers. By simulating exam conditions, you'll become more familiar with the format and gain valuable insights into areas that require further attention. Practising reduces anxiety by increasing your sense of preparedness.

Be Conscious of Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts and self-doubt can significantly impact your performance during exams. Become aware of any negative self-talk or limiting beliefs that may arise. Challenge them by reframing them with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your capabilities and strengths. For example, replace "I'll never understand this" with "I am capable of learning and comprehending complex concepts."

Have a Plan and Follow It

Creating a clear plan of action helps reduce uncertainty and provides a sense of structure during the exam season. Break down your study material into smaller, manageable tasks and allocate specific time slots for each topic. Having a well-defined plan allows you to approach your studies systematically, ensuring that you cover all the necessary content. Following your plan also helps alleviate procrastination and reduces stress caused by last-minute cramming.

Visualise Success

Visualisation is a powerful tool that can enhance your exam performance. Take a few moments each day to visualise yourself confidently tackling the exam, answering questions accurately, and achieving the desired outcome. Imagine the sense of accomplishment and pride you will feel when you successfully complete the exam. Visualising success helps reduce anxiety and instils a positive mindset, reinforcing your belief in your abilities.

Incorporating these mental health tips alongside self-care during exams will contribute to a more balanced and effective exam preparation period. Maintaining good mental health is essential for your overall well-being and academic success.

Lastly, remember that your worth is not measured by the amount of work you do or the marks you get. There will always be other chances to showcase your skills and do well.

As the foundation, we extend our best wishes to every student taking exams. Remember, you are not alone in this journey and believe in your abilities to excel. Good luck!

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