Mental Health Research

Mental health research has made notable strides in the last few years and has influenced interventions and treatments across the world. However, there is a need for ongoing efforts towards in-depth research that explores new and emerging areas in mental health.


Using standardized research methodology, LiveLoveLaugh applies the outcomes to improve initiatives and contribute insights to the field of mental health. 


  • Identify challenges and priority areas that require intervention
  • Understand perceptions and attitudes with regard to mental health 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness and impact of interventions
  • Design evidence-based interventions


  • Monitoring, evaluation and impact analysis of existing interventions
  • Commissioned research

2021 Study by LiveLoveLaugh

2021 Study by LiveLoveLaugh

The nationwide study builds on LLL’s 2018 study and points to significant shifts in India’s perception of mental health. The findings indicate a marked change in the country’s views on mental health, specifically in the areas of treatment and perception of people with mental illness.

2018 Study by LiveLoveLaugh

2018 Study by LiveLoveLaugh

The LLL 2018 National Survey Report marked an important step forward in gauging public perceptions and attitudes towards mental health – and subsequently in designing effective strategies, programs, and other interventions.

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