2018 Study by LiveLoveLaugh

2018 Study by LiveLoveLaugh

The LLL 2018 National Survey Report marked an important step forward in gauging public perceptions and attitudes towards mental health – and subsequently in designing effective strategies, programs, and other interventions. 

Consisting of a mix of qualitative in-depth interviews and quantitative face-to-face structured interviews, the survey covered 3,556 individuals across 8 cities in India. An analysis of their responses reiterated the importance of breaking stigma and building more awareness on mental health amongst all sections of society.

Reproduction and dissemination of material in this report shall only be made for educational or other non-commercial purposes. Any such use shall be authorized with the prior permission of The Live Love Laugh Foundation (“TLLLF”). The requests shall be addressed to info@thelivelovelaughfoundation.org 

Disclaimer: All reasonable precautions have been taken by TLLLF to verify the information contained in this report. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall TLLLF be liable for damages arising from its use.

Key findings

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of participants used terms such as ‘retard’, ‘crazy’, ‘mad’, ‘stupid’, ‘careless’ & ‘irresponsible’ to describe people with mental illness

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of respondents believed that lack of self-discipline and willpower were the main causes of mental illness

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of respondents believed that mentally unhealthy people should have their own groups so as not to contaminate healthy people

Report Launch Event

How India Views Mental Health: TLLLF 2018 National Survey Report Launch Event, March 2018

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