2021 Study by LiveLoveLaugh

2021 Study by LiveLoveLaugh

The 2021 nationwide study points to significant shifts in India’s perception of mental health. The findings indicate a marked change in the country’s views of mental health, specifically in the areas of treatment and perception of people with mental illness.

The survey covered 3,497 individuals across 9 cities in India. The key objectives of the study were to understand status changes regarding the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAPs) towards mental health since LLL’s earlier study in 2018. 

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Key Findings

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of the 3,497 respondents are aware of at least one mental illness, as compared to 87% in 2018

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respondents spread across nine cities would seek treatment and support a person seeking treatment for mental illness, up from 54% in 2018.

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believe that individuals with mental illness could hold jobs and lead stable, healthy lives, a dramatic change from the 32% in 2018.

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